Glögg Alkoholfri Blossa 750ml
With love for the craft, the finest ingredients and a sense of quality, Blossa makes its mulled wine on wine where the alcohol is carefully removed in a way that preserves both taste and aroma and mixed with carefully selected mulled spices. Flare light wine lager is made from a rich, red wine. Sweet, full and spicy taste with red wine character and hints of cardamom and cloves.
De-alcoholized wine 34% (grapes, acidity regulator (tartaric and/or citric acid), preservative (SULFUR DIOXIDE)), grape juice from concentrate 32%, water, sugar, mulled spices (clove, cardamom, ginger), preservative (POTASSIUM DISULPHITE, potassium sorbate).
Nutritional value per 100 milliliters
Energy (kJ) 314 kJ, Energy (kcal) 74 kcal, Fat 0 g, Of which saturated fat 0 g, Carbohydrate 17 g, Of which sugars 17 g, Protein 0 g, Salt 0 g
Contains Sulfur dioxide or sulphite
Alcohol in percent by volume